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School of Sanctuary

Kingsland CE Primary School recognises the part it has to play in building a welcoming and inclusive community. The school has signed the Schools of Sanctuary pledge to commit to creating a place of welcome for refugees and people seeking asylum.

Follow the link below to find out more about Schools of Sanctuary.


Schools of Sanctuary | Building a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary (

What is a School of Sanctuary?

A School of Sanctuary is a school that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for those seeking sanctuary. It is a space for those whose lives were in danger in their own country, who have troubles at home or are just looking for a space they can feel safe.



Class 5 had a fantastic workshop from Claire at City of Sanctuary. Here we are exploring where some refugees are from and the reasons they may have needed to seek sanctuary here in the U.K

We believe that educating our children about individuals seeking sanctuary is crucial. Please click here to view our curriculum.

Refugee Week 2023: Compassion

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At Kingsland, we recently celebrated Refugee Week through a whole school art competition with the theme of compassion. The students enthusiastically participated in the competition and created beautiful and heartfelt artworks that showcased their interpretation of compassion and empathy towards refugees.

Through this competition, we showcased our commitment to promoting a culture of acceptance, empathy, and understanding towards refugees. It provided an excellent opportunity for students to learn about the experiences of refugees and to appreciate the struggles that they go through.

School of Sanctuary Award
