Our school Eco-group is made up of two representatives from each year group in KS2. Our aim is to make our school as green and environmentally friendly as possible, as well as making the children aware of environment issues. We meet regularly to discuss issues and identify things that we can all do to make our school more environmentally friendly. Meetings are also used to plan for projects around our school and discuss daily chores that need doing. In pairs we:
- Empty our fruit and vegetable left overs into our composting bin
- Empty office and classroom paper bins into our recycling bin
- Litter patrol around the playground
- Gardening-dead heading and weeding our planters
Recent projects we have been involved in:
- African keyhole garden
- Themed gardening competition at the Shobdon Airfield (First Prize)
- Healthy Schools Week
- Morrison's Vouchers collection helped us to but seeds, plants and planters
- We received funding from Kingspan for a grid to make our pond safer and accessible and acquired more plants to attract wildlife to our pond
Upcoming Projects:
- Improve our birdfeeder station
- Take part in the bird watch initiative and attract more birds to our playground
- Reduce energy bills by making children and staff aware of wastage
- Maintaining our planters and fruit trees/bushes
Through our Eco Group we believe we can make a difference in our school, local community and our broader environment.