via the Clerk - Sue Lewis - or telephone school 01568 708436
The Governors of Kingsland CE Primary School are wholly committed to ensuring that an outstanding education is provided for the children of this community. Two of the governors have served in this role for over 30 years and the school benefits from such wisdom and perspective. The team is well-balanced and dynamic with a variety of skills offered to support the school and, through encouragement and challenge, ensure that it continues to develop in every way.
Foundation governors are appointed by the Diocese of Hereford.
Parent governors are elected by parents.
Local Authority governor is appointed by Herefordshire Local Authority.
Staff governor is elected by the staff.
The Headteacher and Associate Governors are appointed by the Governing Body.
Helen Webb – Foundation Governor
Chair of Governors
I have been an active member of Kingsland Church for the last 20 years. During this time I have been a Sunday school teacher and actively involved in the youth of Kingsland Church helping out at many of the Children’s workshops. I have had three Children who are now grown up and have always been involved in their education and development. I have been a parent governor of another school in Herefordshire. I am currently on the Parochial Church Council. Professionally I have a training and financial background. I worked for two Charities in Ludlow and Hereford.
I believe I have a number of skills to offer, from a religious and financial perspective. I would like to promote a closer relationship between the Parish Church and the school, as well as contributing to the continued educational successes of the children at the school.
Rev’d Julie Read – Ex-officio Foundation Governor
Vice Chair of Governors
As priest at Kingsland Church I am an ex-officio foundation governor of Kingsland School and I am very privileged to be so. My responsibilities cover the whole of the catchment area for Kingsland School as I look after the parishes of Kingsland, Eardisland and Aymestrey. I offer a chaplaincy role to the school bringing the care of the Christian Faith to children, staff and parents alike. I take a weekly school assembly and seek to help prepare the children for life in this richly diverse country. I have been a teacher myself of music and mathematics at secondary level and enjoy serving as a governor seeking to continue to uphold the excellence that this school enjoys.
Shelley Connop – Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor at Kingsland School and have 3 children who have been educated at Kingsland. I am fully committed to the school and strive to encourage the independent and determined learning of all the children whilst they are in our care. Within the Governor role I am involved with Health & Safety, Finance & Premises and have taken on the role of Treasurer. I have also taken on the Governor liaison for EYFS and the Outside Learning spectrum in the school. You learn something new every day.
Stewart Debenham – Executive Headteacher As Executive Headteacher, I am responsible for leading maths, assessment and ICT and am fully involved in the life of the school. I passionately believe in ensuring the children achieve their potential, and promoting high standards throughout Kingsland CE Primary School.
Sue Green – Staff Governor
I was very pleased to be invited to represent the teaching staff on the Board of Governors. Having been a member of staff for over fifteen years I feel that I can contribute to discussions and decision making with integrity.
I was Foundation Governor for my children’s primary school for a period of four years in the 1990’s with specific responsibility for Special Educational Needs.
Daniel Hurcomb – Local Authority Governor
Awaiting content.
Anna Lewis – Parent Governor
As well as being a foundation governor I am also a parent of two children at Kingsland school.
I have a BSc honours degree in Horticulture and hope that my experience as a Head Gardener as well as working on projects in the local community help me to fulfil my role as the Eco Awareness governor.
I will be on the "Learn to Love" committee and the "Love to Learn" committee as part of the new meadow curriculum. I look forward to learning more about how I can support the school.
Wendy Maddocks – Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor at Kingsland School and I have lived in the village since 1993. I am an active member of Kingsland C of E Church, where I am particularly involved in the leadership of children’s and youth work, developing it over the years from Sunday School, Children’s services, holiday clubs and sleepovers to Messy Church. I have three sons who, between them, attended Kingsland School from 1999 to 2011, all who have gone on to be successful young men, due in no small part to the start that the School gave them.
I first came to this area due to my work as a BBC engineer and, after a career break to bring up my children, I retrained as a teacher and have taught Science to A level for 14 years in mainstream secondary schools. I therefore have a professional training in education as well as a drive and passion to support the work of the school staff and the education of the children. I have a particular interest in Mathematics in the school and in the spiritual development of the children and I am delighted to be able to work in this outstanding school with such a dedicated group of professionals, embedded in our local community and church.
Jason Marrett – Parent Governor
I am a newly appointed Parent Governor. The influence of a school in the life of a child is never to be underestimated. The emotional, social and educational culture will bleed into the rest of the child’s life for years to come. This is why it is so important that schools get as much support as they can to provide the best, most supportive and cultivating environment for the students. Given my role within the community as a church leader, a teacher and parent of a current pupil, I would like to offer support and assistance in any way possible. This is the reason I put myself forward as parent governor.
Stephen Powell – Associate Governor
I have been a teacher at the school for over 10 years and teach Year 2. I co-ordinate all sport in school and believe that PE is integral to teaching children to lead a healthy life both physically and mentally. I am also responsible for developing ICT in school and teach children about staying safe online alongside using technology in their learning. I have recently been appointed to the senior leadership team and to further improve my knowledge and the wider aspect of school management I am an associate governor. I feel it is an important part of being a leader to understand all the strategic development that takes place 'behind the scenes'.
Wendy Priday – Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor on the Governing Body appointed by Eardisland PCC. My three children attended Kingsland School and I have been a Governor since 1984, serving as Treasurer for two years and Chair for twenty years, stepping down in October 2019. I am also on the executive committee of the Herefordshire Governors Association supporting communication and training for all governors in Herefordshire. Kingsland is an amazing village school with wonderful staff and children and it is a privilege to be part of the school’s accountable body, responsible for its conduct and promoting high standards throughout all areas, giving a first class education to all our children and ensuring their safety and wellbeing at all times.
Edward Wallington – Parent Governor
I joined the Governors in July 2019 as a Parent Governor. As a parent of a young student, I am keen to help our school make a lasting, positive impact on our young people’s lives – academically, practically and culturally - whilst passing on outstanding skills and memorable experiences. I have trained and worked in Montessori nurseries and am aware of the importance of early years development and helping to provide young people with a foundation for their future achievements.
I have an extensive management and leadership background specialising in data analyses, planning, resourcing, finance, marketing, and staff development opportunities gained from working across academia, charities, and public and private sector organisations. I aim to put my experience to best use in support of our School across a variety of areas, and to enhance the impact that our school has on our community and the young people we cherish.
Fiona Williams – Associate Governor
I am Head of School at Kingsland school and have been appointed as an Associate Governor. I have taught at Kingsland since January 2022 and prior to this worked as an Assistant Headteacher in Tower Hamlets, London. Being originally from Herefordshire, I feel that I am now able to offer my leadership skills from my understanding of both inner city and rural communities. I am the schools Mental Health Lead and coordinate Art and Geography across the school. I am passionate about enquiry-based learning and Philosophy across the school, ensuring that diversity is at the heart of our curriculum. I believe that approaching the curriculum in a philosophical way means looking beneath the surface, beyond the facts, to the questions and concepts that interest and engage our children.
I believe that I have a variety of skills to offer, this includes my knowledge of school leadership, teaching and learning across the curriculum and developing links across local communities. I am looking forward to extending my understanding of the strategic role of the Governing Body and applying my knowledge to support me in evaluating and driving future change within the school.
Clare Traynor – Foundation Governor
I am a Foundation Governor at Kingsland school and a parent to a child in the school. I am an active member of Kingsland C of E church and am on the PCC. I am passionate about the positive role schools play in helping children develop into caring, confident, capable, and successful individuals. I am excited to support the school in all of its endeavours.
Sue Lewis – Clerk and School Business Manager
I am School Business Manager and Clerk to the Governors. I grew up in Kingsland and attended the school. I also sang in the choir and have returned to ring the bells at the Church. I enjoy all aspects of school life and the day to day running of the office as well as issues nationally that affect schools. I have completed the ‘Certificate in School Business Management’ and the ‘Diploma in School Business Management’. My background is financial and before having children I worked in a building society in Leominster.