Welcome to Kingsland Church of England Primary School
The world is an exciting and amazing place with so much to discover, to enjoy, to experience, and consequently to learn. We are privileged as a primary school to work with you as your child continues to take those early steps of discovery; full of wonder, expectation, creativity and imagination. We aim to nurture a life-long love of learning by building independence, commitment and determination.
The world can also present challenges to overcome and it is our aim to provide an education in its fullest sense that will help your child to be confident in who they are and in their relationships with others, so that they will be able to "live life in all its fullness" (John 10:10). We are determined that Kingsland CE Primary School is a place where individuals are cherished for who they are, where children can develop their own unique gifts and talents, realise and grow with support and security, and appreciate the rights of others to be special and valued people too. Kingsland CE Primary School aims to provide an environment of security, challenge, opportunity, fun, care and love in which individuals can flourish.
We view education in this broad sense, as a joint responsibility between the staff in school and yourselves as parents and carers. We believe that the best for your child can be achieved through a partnership between home and school. We hope that you will share with us in making this a happy and successful stage in your child’s life. My staff and I are always available to discuss any aspect of your child’s education.
Our prospectus is designed to introduce you to Kingsland CE Primary School and we hope you enjoy reading about our ethos, teaching and learning, and home/school partnerships. We would welcome you to come and get a fuller understanding and appreciation of our school; please telephone if you have any questions or would like to visit – it would be a delight to meet you.
Mr Stewart Debenham