We are far more than mind and body. The spiritual 'us' is the space within that is touched by a myriad of sights, sounds, feelings, ideas, wonders, imaginations, people ... some would say, God ...
Reading, writing, mathematics and any other subject is only important if they serve to make our children more human and more humane.
The former Archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, wrote:
'Church schools know that their viscera is not just about acquiring skills and good examination results. It is about forming people who have the moral strength and spiritual depth to hold to a course and weather ups and downs. It is about forming people who know that economic competition is not more important than family life and love of neighbour, and that technical innovation is not more important than reverence for the beauty of creation. It is about forming a people who, however academically and technically skilled, are not reduced to inarticulate embarrassment by the great questions of life and death, meaning and truth.'
In all that we do at Kingsland Church of England Primary School, we endeavour to nurture and value spirituality.
Our school's understanding of spirituality:
'Spirituality is the recognition of your soul, the soul in others and that there is something greater than ourselves.'
'Spritual Development at the Heart of Our Curriculum' is the raison d'etre for our whole curriculum;
it's why we do what we do.